Contact Us

The Mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Sunbury is to Glorify God by acknowledging
Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to witness for Christ by proclaiming His gospel to all people by word and
deed. Our mission is empowered by the Holy Spirit and is expressed in worship, prayer, study, fellowship and service.

Location: 238 Market Street, Sunbury, PA 17801

Phone: 570-286-7211

Fax: 570-988-5425

Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00am - 3pm   |   Thursday or Friday 11am - 3pm

Worship: 10:30 AM in the second floor sanctuary

Coffee Hour and Sunday Chatter:

11:30am after worship (2nd & 4th Sunday after worship September through May and once a month June-August)

Handicap Accessibility:

The church is handicap accessible at the first side door on the Center Street alley. Inside that door is an elevator to reach the office on the second floor or to reach the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen in the basement. There is also an elevator in the front lobby/lounge area that goes to the second floor sanctuary.

First Presbyterian Church